Meaning Questionaire – How meaningful is your Life? Find Out!

Meaning Questionaire – How meaningful is your Life? Find Out!
Introduction and Consent
This study is to understand what people find meaningful and how it relates to various other aspects of a person’s personality, productivity, life satisfaction level etc. This research will allow to us to fine tune therapeutic methods and mental health awareness programs, with the goal of helping people lead more happy fulfilled lives. Answer all questions according to your current life circumstances and mental state.

Confidentiality details, As part of the study, a survey would be conducted. The participants who consent are requested to answer a set of questions provided in the official website of CHSR. The study intends to maintain anonymity of the participants through various methods. The data would be stored safely and would be used only for research purpose. No personal identification is asked for the purpose of the study except for email-ID. The email- ID is asked for sending the results only if the participant wishes to know otherwise they don’t need to provide email address. If you consent to be part of the study please indicate below.

Who am I?
This sections will help you explore your innate nature, you instincts, your talents, the person you truly are


Date of birth?*

What is your current city and country?*

What is your nationality?*

What is your gender?*

What is your marital/living status*

How many children do you have?*

Are you currently experiencing any major Mental health issue?*

Have you in the past experienced any major Mental health issue?*

Are you currently undergoing psychiatric or psychological treatment for any major Mental health issue?*

Have you in the past been under psychiatric or psychological treatment for any major Mental health issue?*

If you have in the past been or are currently suffering from any major Mental health issue, please let us know below?*

What is your current professional status?*

What is your academic qualification?*

What is your professional designation and field of work ?*

Q.1. Rate how talented you are on a scale of 0 to 10:*

Q.2. How talented does your father think you are?*

Q.3. How talented does your mother think you are?*

Q.4.How talented do your spouse or romantic partner think you are?*

Q.5.How talented do your friends think you are?*

Q.6.How talented do people in general think you are?*

Q.7. Do you want everyone to like you?*

Q.8. Does seeing other people successful upset you?*

Q.9. Do you believe you are a worthy human being?*

Q.10.How do you think your Father sees your worthiness?*

Q.11. How do you think your Mother sees your worthiness?*

Q.12. How do you think your spouse or romantic partner see your worthiness?*

Q.13. How do you think your friends see your worthiness?*

Q.14. How do you think everyone else see your worthiness?*

Q.15. Rate how dependent you are on your mother for emotional support? *

Q.16. Rate how dependent you are on your father for emotional support? *

Q.17. Rate how dependent you on siblings or close relatives for emotional support? *

Q.18. Rate how dependent you are on your friends for emotional support? *

Q.19. Rate how dependent you are on your spouse or romantic partner for emotional support? *

Q. 20. Are other people responsible for the problems in your life? *

Q.21. Are you someone who keeps their problems to themselves rather than sharing with other people and asking for help? *

Q.22. How often do you feel lonely?*

What do I do?- Part I
This section will explore how you view your professional and academic activities and it's impact on yourself and people around you.

Q.23. Are you satisfied with your life?*

Q.24. Do you have a purpose in your life?*

Q.25. If you have a purpose in your life, what is it?

Q.26. Do you measure your success in life by how much the people in your life like you?*

Q.27. Do you try to improve yourself?*

Q.28. Are you searching for a purpose in life?*

Q.29. Do you try to learn new things regularly?*

Q.30. Do you find your work or academic life satisfying?*

What do I do? Part II

Q.31. Do you work to improve the wellbeing of your loved ones, for example parents or spouse or children or bf/gf or etc.?*

Q.32. Do you work to improve the wellbeing of a group you identify with (such as group based on religion, nationality, gender, ideology, locality, caste, class, race, species etc.)? *

Q.33. Do you work to produce beauty in any of its forms e.g. books, poetry, music, storytelling, gardens, fashion, etc.? *

Q.34. Do you maintain a strict routine in your life? *

Q.35. Do you work to be the best at things you choose to do?*

Q.36. Does being better than other people around you at some activity motivate you? *

Q.37. Do you try to spread the word of your religion/belief system/ideology? *

Q.38. Do you read a lot of fiction books? *

Q.39. Do you read a lot of non-fiction books? *

Q.40. Do you watch a lot of movies? *

Q.41. Do you watch a lot of TV series or entertainment videos? *

Q.42. Do you watch a lot of infotainment? *

Q.43. How much time do you spend with your family?*

Q.44. How much time do you spend with your friends?*

Q.45. When you get a chance do you do entertainment activities instead of activities related to your purpose in life? *

Q.46. How do you think you sees your life choices?*

Q.47. How do you think your Father sees your life choices?*

Q.48. How do you think your Mother sees your life choices?*

Q.49. How do you think your Freinds see your life choices?*

Q.50. How do you think your spouse or romantic partner sees your life choices?*

Q.51. How do you think your everyone else sees your life choices?*

Q.52. Which of these 7 values do you embody in your life on a daily or regular basis, rate them most to least commonly embodied.
Beauty, Knowledge, Wisdom, Faith, Service, Discipline, Excellence. Example Answer, 1. Knowledge, 2. Service, 3. Wisdom, 4. Beauty (you do not have to use all 7)

What do I believe?
What you believe determine how you feel, think and act. Here Belief doesn’t mean just religion, or ideology, here we are talking also about your beliefs about yourself, people around you, relationships, culture, art, sports, right and wrong and everything else around you.

Q.53. Do your beliefs match your society? *

Q.54. Do your beliefs match those of your father? *

Q.55. Do your beliefs match those of your mother? *

Q.56. Do your beliefs match those of your friends? *

Q.57. Do your beliefs give you the strength to face the day? *

Q.58. Do you find yourself arguing with yourself? *

Q.59. Do you believe in growing as a human being everyday? *

Q.60. Do you find yourself thinking about past mistakes even years later and feeling bad or criticising yourself?*

Q.61. Are you able to forgive others when they make mistakes or fail?*

Q.62. Did your father forgive you when you made a mistake?*

Q.63. Did your mother forgive you when you made a mistake?*

Q.64. Do you believe your mother is perfect? *

Q.65. Do you believe your father is perfect? *

Q.66. Does it matter if others forgive you or not? *

Q.67. Do you try to change your beliefs to get along with others?*

Q.68.Have you changed any strongly held beliefs in the past after realizing your belief was wrong? *

Q.69. How often are you proven wrong? *

What do I believe? Part II
section on belief continued, you are almost done.

Q.70. Have your beliefs about people’s nature ever been proven to be wrong? *

Q.71. Do you experience emotional problems when things don’t happen the way you want? *

Q.72. Do you believe people should seek help?*

Q.73. Do you believe in sacrificing for the wellbeing of others? *

Q.74. Does being a better person matter to you? *

Q.75. Does your sense of self-worth depend on your success in academics or profession?*

Q.76. Is your purpose in life to work for the wellbeing of your family or other loved ones for example parents, spouse, children, partner, friends, etc?*

Q.77. Do you believe it is beauty (example books, poetry, music, storytelling, gardens, fashion, etc.) that makes your life meaningful? *

Q.78. Do you find leading a disciplined life or maintaining a strict routine to be meaningful thing to do?*

Q.79. In these 7 values rate them from most meaningful to least meaningful, Beauty, Knowledge, Wisdom, Faith, Service, Discipline, Excellence. Example Answer, 1. Knowledge, 2. Service, 3. Wisdom, 4. Beauty 5. Faith 6. Excellence 7. Discipline (rate all 7)*

Q.80. How important is it to you to be a good person?*

How do I act? - Part I
This sections lets you examine your general behavior and your perception of it. This is the final section.

Q.81. Do you act (including talk) according to your beliefs?*

Q.82. Do you believe you are a good person?

Q.83. How do you think your father sees your goodness?*

Q.84. How do you think your mother sees your goodness?*

Q.85. How do you feel everyone else sees your goodness?*

Q.86. How often do you argue with your father?*

Q.87. How often do you argue with your mother?*

Q.88. How often do you argue with your spouse or romantic partner?*

Q.89. How often do you argue with your friends? *

Q.90. How often do you argue with other people? *

How do I act? - Part II
You are at the final page.

Q.91. Do you ask people how you can be a better person? *

Q.92. Do you pretend to have the same beliefs as other people to be accepted or liked? *

Q.93. Does pretending to have different beliefs than what you actually do cause you emotional discomfort? *

Q.94.Do you spend a lot of time on social media arguing politics or ideology? *

Q.95. How often do you post your pictures on social media? *

Q.96. Do you feel happy when you get likes on social media posts and disappointed when you don’t?*

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