

What motivates you to go forward in life?

Do failure demotivate you? If so, look at failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. A beginner’s mindset widens are curiosity and openness to try doing things even if you are unsure of the outcome. A beginner’s mindset is the openness and curiosity through which you face situations as if for the first time and approach it like a student.

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Overcoming fear

I guess you can see what happens if make your choice to follow what the emotions convey. I am not saying it is not entirely wrong and some people have very evolved emotional capacity because they training their unconscious to see the rational. It only comes with practice and experience.

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Parenting: Art of development

There are no shortcuts to successful parenting but there is a long one and it is rewarding. You too grow with them as an individual. As you parent them you parent yourself too. Teach to treat themselves with love happens only when you genuinely show how lovingly you treat yourself and others.

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Parent your inner child

A child only turns defensive when it feels threatened or feel something is not according to its interest. The way you parent your inner child determines how well your mind functions and ultimately how you function. Your conscious mind is like the inner parent or adult.

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The parent-child relation

It is important to heal your inner parent and inner child in order to fully function as an individual and maybe in future be a better parent. You don’t need to be perfect but give it your best. Our parents too gave their best. They have done what they can and we need to learn to appreciate whatever they were able to do from their limitations. Let us create a healthy world for our children.

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Dynamics in a relationship

As a newborn you might not have a sense of difference from the outside world. Everything is part of you. You may not have known the difference between you and your mother. Only after few months that distinction starts to appear. That is the first sense of being a separate person from others. You and mother. Then the list increases. You try seeing connection between people of same gender. If you have noticed some children go and call someone else as father just because he is a male. The realization that they are outsider and separate from your parents appear only later. That is when you start seeing children cry when they see strangers, have separation anxiety.

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The importance of relationships

We survive as a collective. Most of the behaviors revolve around being part of the collective. To be accepted means to survive. In prehistoric time this was crucial to survival. Let us see why. Food is a collective resource so is protection. Being isolated means not able to receive food and protection. Considering the hunt and gather nature of how food was allocated it meant you may either have to macho up go hunt and try not being killed in order to eat. This macho way is not possible for everyone because hunting used to be a group activity not solitary. Now when a predator comes it is a collective effort to ward it off. You are not part of the group then you may have to face the predator alone. Well if you are confident you may but you have to consider if it is worth it.

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Practices for healthy mind

Mind and body are linked. One effects the other. Taking care of our basic needs like nutrition, sleep and hydration is essential to prevent disorders like depression and anxiety.

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Diversity in the landscape of mental health practices

Mental health practices are practices that are done to maintain and improve a healthy mind. We go into large extend for the maintenance and improvement of physical health. To some extend we try to take care of our emotions but that too is usually to alleviate the physical discomfort and some extend the mental discomfort sometimes emotions can create.

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Breath a tool to look inward

Breath is affected by physiological state as well as our mental or emotional state. If we are running our breaths are shorter and faster. We inhale more than we exhale. Now if we observe our breath when stressed, anxious or afraid it will be similar to our breath while running. This is because during a fight or fight mode our body is designed to breath faster and shorter in order to receive more oxygen so more energy can be released to our limbs to take us into safety.

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